In the quest for the fountain of youth, we have done well to extend life span. We found anti-aging foods such as berries and broccolis. We advanced medical procedures for organ transplants. We even created magic pills like Viagra and Levitra to enhance sexual performance. These are all good, but what exactly can we do to maintain our health and live longer in a natural way? The secret formula to slow aging will be revealed here. Make sure you share it with your family and friends so that you will hang out with loved ones for a LONG time.
1. Finding the PURPOSE of life - the MOST potent ingredient
Having a sense of purpose in life helps us buffer from the unforeseen mishaps. Having a job we like, volunteering for a charity organization we believe in, joining social or religious groups, and devoting ourselves to families are good reasons that make us look forward to another day. This helps us establish a sense of wellbeing. We feel happier when people think we are useful. The purpose of life drives away alienation and loneliness, which are often associated to poor health in elderly.
2. Coping with STRESS like taking a walk in the park
When we feel anxious or tense, our stress hormones become elevated. Chronic stress reduces the length of telomeres, enzymes that affect how many times a body cell can divide. Stress also reduces telomerase activity and accelerates the aging process. According to a study at the University of California, San Francisco, women with the highest levels of perceived stress have shorter telomeres by the equivalent of at least an additional decade’s worth of aging. Stress also causes us to develop bad habits such as binge eating, excessive drinking, smoking and fidgeting. Having longer sleep with better quality is one way to alleviate stress level. We cannot please everybody. We cannot finish every task. Take it easy.
(Wanna know the red hot modern stress triggers? Read Stanley Bing’s article “Off the Grid” in Fortune Magazine issue August 6, 2007)
3. Eat a healthy and BALANCED diet
There is no one magic food that can turn back the clock. If we haven’t eaten well, forget about the past. Start to eat a balanced and healthy diet with three regular meal schedule today! We can make the most of our metabolism if we eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. It’s Okay to consume fats, the right kinds of fats - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated including Omega-3 fatty acids. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good sources for carbohydrates. Don’t worry, moderate amount of carbohydrates do not cause water retention if our kidneys function well. We can get plenty of protein from lean meats and poultry, fish, beans and legumes. Soluble fibers found in foods are proven to have anti-aging effect, as fibers can keep blood sugar stable and insulin level down.
4. EXERCISE like an athlete
Remember Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”? Longevity is positively correlated to physical activities. 30-60 minute cardio workouts at least five days out the week help protect our heart, improve blood flow, keep bones strong, tone muscles, and more importantly, reduce inflammation and cancer risk. Physical activities including aerobics and strength training also lower our risk of developing depression, which is commonly seen in the retired population.
5. Control WEIGHT gain, especially the WAISTLINE
“Obesity accelerates aging by promoting insulin resistance or type-2 diabetes, increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer, contributing to inflammation, and leading to degenerative arthritis and disease of the lungs.” Says David Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. Eating less and exercising more can easily help us shed excess pounds. Waist circumference is a common measure for abdominal fat. Excess fat in the abdomen, independent of total body fat, is considered a risk factor for ailments such as diabetes, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure. It is considered “healthy” if our waistline grows an average 1/6-inch each year. Take extra caution if we have to shop for new belt.
6. SEX is necessary to keep adults healthy
“Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise.” says Dr. Michael Cirigliano of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year -- the equivalent of jogging 75 miles. Heavy breathing during sex raises the amount of oxygen in cells. It helps organs and tissues function at their peak. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a popular anti-aging hormone, is released naturally right before orgasm and ejaculation. Many people consider lovemaking as an effective way to reduce stress level.
Labels: alternative medicine, anti-aging, exercise, longevity, Mental health, purpose, sex, stress, weight management